Established Patient Appointments

Our staff has been trained to answer many of your questions and will assist you in scheduling your first appointment with our office. You will be asked for the following information when scheduling the appointments:

  • Reason for your visit
  • Name of your referring physician if there is one.
  • Insurance information (including ID and Group Number)
  • Whether your plan requires a referral


The receptionist will also refer you to the Documents section of our website and ask you to complete a New Patient Registration Packet if you have not been seen in 3 years, or a Patient Registration Update Form. Now that our office has transitioned to electronic medical records, it is crucial to have as much information entered into our system prior to your arrival. We will ask your assistance, whenever possible, for you to download these forms, complete them, and fax them to us (281) 762-6339 prior to your visit to minimize any delays in adding this into our system after you arrive.

We also would like to ask that you bring the following information to your appointment:

  • Your picture ID (Driver's License)
  • Your Insurance and Phamacy cards
  • A current medication list
  • Your Update Form if it has not been faxed to us

Our office transitioned to electronic medical records on May 17, 2011, and once your appointment has been scheduled, we will begin creating your new electronic chart.